
Monday, October 25, 2010

Pink and Navy Blue Sailor Look ~ BBCA DAY 25

First Off sorry the first picture is blurry. I was in a hurry this morning. I had to go to the dentist.

Pink and Blue Sailor Shirt From Old Navy
Cami From Old Navy~10.50
Crystal Jeans From CR~29.99~50% off
Earring From H&M~ I them in Germany
Sailor Necklace From CR~4.99~40% off
Headband From Target~2.99 for a pack of them(all colors)
Pink Nike Ace 1983 A Gift From Hubby

Hello Lovely Ladies. I had a busy day today. I had a dentist appointment today. Also had errand to do. I order my Little Sister Birthday gift today. Plus I clean the house a little to. So now it time to relax. The only reason my pant leg is up is due to I was showing you all my tennis shoe.

Today Breast Cancer item Is Fuze and Smart Water. Which Publix calls it Sip&Support. Which they raised $875,000 for Breast Cancer.

I hope you all HAVE A GREAT MONDAY.


Hello and Thanks so much for stopping by! I truly appreciate every comment and suggestion and they always bring a smile to my face! Have a great day!