
Friday, November 5, 2010

Maxi Dress isn't Just for Spring and Summer. It for Fall Too

 I got inspired form  Work you Closet post on Maxi for the Fall So I try it out today. With the one and only Maxi that I own.

Black Maxi Dress From Bj's~14.99
Orange Long Sleeve From Target~3.24 on Clearance(have had it for a few years now)
Black Headband Gift From My MIL Peggy For my Birthday or Christmas
Earring Nine West From The Px
Belt From Style~6.99
Sandals From CR ~18.99

Hello Lovely Ladies. Today it is 60 degree out and I love it. You still can go out in sandals or flip flop if you want. Also it very windy out. So I decide to go for something that would be quick/comfortable and cute today.  So I went this my Black Maxi dress. For me it a little to cold to wear its by it self so I grab the long sleeve shirt instead of a cardigan. Plus when I read Work your Closet the other day post on her maxi dress. I just feel in love with the idea and had to give it try. This is the second time I have try something that I seen in another blog and so far each time it come out cute. I'm still working on the whole sock in tight look that I have seen in Statement in Fashion. One Day I will get it done right and post about it.

I also didn't feel like doing my bangs today. So I just pulled them back. I so love the fact on can do that because I can choice to wear there or not.

Also I shouldn't be allowed to go in Target by myself. Why? The reason Why is because I always walk out with stuff I don't need. It always with stuff I want. The best part is. It always clearance items. There clearance racks are AWESOME.  When I used to work there. I spent my money everyday there. Now I just go there once a month. 

You can go HERE to see how I wore this outfit before.

I hope you all have a GREAT FRIDAY AND WEEKEND. 

P.S Before I go for the day. I wanted to share with you all this great blog my friend told me about. Its called New Dress A Day.  She make a new dress a day for 365 day and for only a dollar. She has made some amazing dress so far. 


Hello and Thanks so much for stopping by! I truly appreciate every comment and suggestion and they always bring a smile to my face! Have a great day!