
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Outift For Work November 11TH, 2010/ Happy Veteran's Day,

Purple Shirt From CR-22.99~ 40% off 
Black Cami From Target~9.99
Black Pant From a store in the Famila Center in Germany~ I think these pants where less then 10€
Nine West Earring From The PX
Necklace Gift From MIL Peggy~ Belated Birthday
Barrettes From Target ~4.99 
Impo thunder booties From DSW ~Gift From Hubby

Hello Everyone. Today I wanted to wear a couple different outfits.Which two were shirt I haven't worn to work at all since I been working there for 7 months. The only Problem is one of the shirt would look good with Grey pants and I don't own any. The other one will look good with Khaki pants and I wore them yesterday. So I did another remix outfit. I love this purple top. I actually got brought it with birthday money from my Oma.

Go HERE to see how I did this Outfit Before. 

So yesterday I got told that I looked Cute by one of the manger at work. I don't know about you guys but I love it when I get told I look good.

Here what one of my good Army Wife Friend said on Facebook about the outfit I wore on Tuesday the 9th. Well I have never been a fan of booties. Every time I see them, whether on a model or on a person on the street, they just looked horrible. But what you did there, looked fab! I actually really love the outfit and even them. You made them work!  ~ This so made my day yesterday.

Also on that day I had a Male co-worker say that girls shouldn't be allowed to wear leggings to work. The reason why he think this is because a lot of girl dress them down. He goes Amy your dress your up and you look good.  I told him you will never see me coming to work looking bad.

This Picture is Of my Hubby from when he was in Iraq. 

Please take the time out today and think of the people who serve are country for us. All the man and woman now, past and present. 
Happy  Veteran's Day


1 comment:

Hello and Thanks so much for stopping by! I truly appreciate every comment and suggestion and they always bring a smile to my face! Have a great day!