
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Outift For Work November 6th, 2010~ Plus a Giveway From Statement in Fashion

Purple Butterfly Shirt From the Px
Purple/Lilac Skirt From Target~3.24 on Clearance
Necklace From Target~ on clearance For .84 Cent
Earring From Target~7.99
Purple Headband From Target~1.00
White Tight From Target Little Girls Dept.~1.99
Boots From Old Navy~34.50~ I got them for 30% off last year.

Abercrombie and Fitch Ivory/Cream Zip up Sweater~I had it For year.

Hello Everyone. Work was Super busy today the reason Why is because it got cold here. It was 52 degree when I left for work. I wasn't planing on wear a sweater today but I needed one or I would have frozen. I did laugh at how some people where dressed they were acting like there was snow on the ground with there Jacket, gloves, scarf and hats on. People dress like that every time we get cold weather here. I just grab a sweater and I'm good to go.

So I got 4 good comment today at work. I had a co-worker tell me she really liked my outfit today. I ended up wearing the sweater all day at work. When I got to the car I had to take it off because it was to hot to have it on. Mind you it was in the 60's at that time of day. I had 2 customer tell me I had a Michigan Accents. Which I grew up there. I was tell one of the customer that said I had a MI Accent that I lived in Germany. She goes that where you got your Fashion sense because Michigan people don't know how to dress. Which is so not true. Some People who aren't from Michigan think this and I have no Idea why. Then I had a man today that said you dress retro. I told him no I don't I dress how I'm feeling. Which is so true. I pick my outfit out everyday and some day I have no Clue what I want to wear. Then I have days that I have plan stuff to wear.

Statement in Fashion is doing another giveaway. This time its a $50.00 gift card to Modcloth. They have very Cute thing at modcloths. So go check her blog out. You must  be a follower of hers to entry to win the gift card. Good Luck to everyone who entry the giveaway.


Remember it is daylight saving tomorrow. So turn you clocks back an hour tonight at 12:01am.


  1. awesome look...! i love the skirt!!!

  2. Thanks Ladies.

    Pamela~ My hair didn't try out actually how I wanted it to but It still was CUTE.


Hello and Thanks so much for stopping by! I truly appreciate every comment and suggestion and they always bring a smile to my face! Have a great day!