
Monday, November 22, 2010

What I’m Thankful For 2010

My Mom, My Dad, Me and My Sister Summer 2008

What I’m Thankful For 2010
Since it is getting close to Thanksgiving I thought I would share what I’m Thankful for.
1.   My Loving Family
2.   My loving and Caring Hubby
3.   A Car- Due to I didn’t have one in Germany I walked to work. It was a 5 minute walk so it wasn’t bad.  When I moved to Florida I shared a car with Hubby. So I walked to work Monday-Friday. It was a 30 minute walk to get to work. 
     4.A House- I love having my own house that I OWN.

5.    A Job- I’m very thankful to have one. Special right now. I no good amount of people that don’t have them or are losing them.
6.   Water- We our luck that we have water in the United States because some county don’t have it. It is so nice to take bath and hot shower. Also to be able to drink it.
7.    My doggy Priscilla- She brightens my day up. When I’m down she cheers me up.
8.   My Friends- That I have in real life and especially all the wonderful friend I have made threw the Internet.  You know who you are and I know you are reading this.
9.   Money- To buy food and other items that I need to live.
10.                Clothes- To keep me warm and fashionable.

So that is the 10 Item that I’m thankful for.  I hope you enjoy reading what I’m thankful for.
MIL Peg, Father in Law, BIL Johnny and Me Christmas 2006

I’m also thankful for everyone who reads my blog and for all my followers.



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