
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

December 15th work outfit.~ My Grandma Sweater

Black Linen Pants From CR ~ 4.99
Purple Cardigan Sweater Hand Me Down From Oma Friend.
Boots From Old Navy~34.50~ I got them for 30% off last year.
Jingle Bell Earring From The Px
Shoe Necklace From Forever 21~2.80
Headband From Target~2.99

Hello Everyone. Today Outfit is something I just throw together. I really didn't put all that much time in to it. The reason why is because I got off work at 1:15am and when I got home it was late. So I didn't get that much sleep. I'm a girl who needs her 9 to 8 hours of sleep. I woke up and helped Hubby out. Then went back to bed and didn't want to get out of bed again but I did. It is super cold here lately. I know we all are getting hit hard with cold weather. Like I said last week I'm running out of warm clothes to wear. So you are going to be see a lot of remixing going on. Also I haven't wore this sweater this year yet. So that also made me want to wear it today. A co-worker wore one just like it last week but she didn't style it good. It look like she just rolled out of bed. I sure hope I don't look like I just rolled out of bed. 
I also find out that I have been approved for my 10 day off. Which I'm so happy about. My parent will be here in 6 days. I know you are probably sick of hearing about it but I just can't wait for them to get here. Also don't mind the bigger mess in the bathroom. Hubby try to change the sink fixture but end up having a hard time with it. So he called a plumper to come out. Which they will be here tomorrow. Which the mess is driving me nuts. Plus it wasn't easy to get ready in there. With it been that messy. 

To people who request  to follow me on twitter. Please hang in there. I got busy with work and haven't had time to approve them. If I get home at a good time tonight. I will approve them. If not it will be tomorrow. Friday at the latest. I hope you all understand.

Also to my new follower when I do a remix outfit I link it back to the first way I wore it. Also Thank to everyone who is following and has been following me. :)

One more thing before I go. I call this Purple Sweater my Grandma Sweater.*Hints for the title.* I have no idea why I call it that and no it not because Oma(Grandma in German) gave it to me.



  1. I love the ruffles on the top so cute!

    The jingle bells make me smile. We have jingle bells on our front and back doorknobs. Whenever our cats want to go outside they will knock the jingle bells so we will know they are waiting by the door for someone to open it!

  2. Great "grandma" sweater. Love the jingle bells!

    Call Me Ishmael

  3. Thanks Ladies.

    Sunny&Stars~ Cute little Story

  4. love the detail of your top, the bun is cute too!


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