
Friday, December 17, 2010


Ornament from my good online friend. Some of them where her that she had. She decided to pass them on to me. I felt honored when I read the letter that came with the package. 12-15-10
Hello All, Today I have no cute outfit to share due to it is major cleaning day. My Parent will be here Tuesday. So I have to get the house ready. Now that the master bathroom sink are fix. I need to put everything back under the sink. So today I want to share another gift I got in the mail. Also want to show you all what I got my sister. She already got here package on Wednesday and asked nicely if she could open it. I told her she could go ahead and open it. That way she can show my mom what she got. Also I sent here 3 roommate each a teddy bear and a candy bag. Which they loved. I normal save what ever gift I get in the mail for Christmas morning but my good online freind for 5 years want me to open the gift that she sent me. So I did. We have been send Christmas and Birthday gift to each other every year since we meet each other.

I know some people don't believe in online Relationship but I do. I actually meet Hubby online and it was love a first sight. Cheesy but it is true. We have been together for 8 year and married for 6 year. Spent our first 2 year of marriage away from each other due to the Army. This friend I meet online means a lot to me. We have never meet face to face but she means the world to me. We talk to each other when we can. Which is almost every day. We have gotten to know each other very well. So it actually like knowing each other in real life. So this year for Christmas she sent me ornament. Which I collect them. I love receiving them and giving them for gift. If you are someone I buy a Christmas gift then more an likely you are going to be getting an ornament with your gift. I normal sent my sister and BIL Johnny an ornament with there Christmas card and this year I didn't do. Due to I didn't find the right one yet. My BIL told my MIL Amy didn't send me an Ornament. Where I thought it was cute and also didn't realize how much it meant to him to get one. By the way he is 13 years old. Then I have my sister who I think hates getting ornament from me. She told me on the phone yesterday as she was opening her gift so said I was like this better not be another ornament.

Also BIL and me have a tradition to get each other a new ornament each year. We started this when he was 5 years old.  Man I could sit here all day and go on about this subject but I won't want to bore you all.  I will go on to my sister gift now.

Tons of little activity to do, Sock, mini Christmas Tree and Ornament

up close at everything

Clothes From OMA

So the first 2 pictures are what I got my sister. I got her almost 20 little thing. Which I thought be fun to give her. I asked her what her Favorite thing was that I got her was and she told me the Tinkerbell Puzzle. The last picture is from Oma. Oma gave me some money to go get my sister a gift. So I went to old navy and got for 6 items. I knew my sister wanted some clothes. Her favorite Items was the zip up fleece hoodie.

Today I will not be leaving you with anything since this is a very long post already.



Hello and Thanks so much for stopping by! I truly appreciate every comment and suggestion and they always bring a smile to my face! Have a great day!