
Friday, December 3, 2010

Its a Blah kind of Day

Pink Under armor Hoodie~ Early Christmas Gift From Hubby~49.99 (he left the price on it)
Crystal Jeans From CR~7.49
Here Comes Trouble Toe Socks~ Christmas Gift From My MIL Peggy 2007

Hello All. Today I'm in a Funky mood. I'm not happy or sad. I'm Blah. We all are human and have days like this. So this morning I woke up not feeling all that great. Well It passed. I ate breakfasted and felt better. Today we were getting are new couch delivered and a futon. Well when the couch come it was the wrong one. The receipt say the couch is right but the thing is it doesn't work at all in the living room. We can make it work but Hubby said no. Being that we paid a lot of money for it. Which I totally understand. I was so happy that the girl who helped us is working at the store today. She is super nice and I told her about the problem and told her I was sorry. She told me I had no reason to be sorry that it is her fault for ordering the wrong couch. She said that should had made sure it was the right one at the time. So now I'm sitting here feel like an idiot because I signed for the couch and the guys left. So now I have to wait for them to come back. What a day. The sad thing is it still morning time. I know I will look at this later and laugh but right now I'm not. So hopefully I can find something to get my out of this blah mood. I so wanted to decorated the rest of my house today. Now I debating if I should because we will have furniture being moved in and out. I would be sad if anything got broken.  Well good thing I have to go dig my dresses out of the guest bedroom. So that will help me get my mind off the couch. Now to hope that I have one dress that will fit me for the Christmas Party.

I have a little story to share with you all about my hoodie. Which when I think about it. It make me a little happy. So last Friday I came from work. Hubby asked if I would like my Christmas present and I told him NO to save it for Christmas. He just couldn't wait that long. So he gave it to me. Which it is the PINK under armor hoodie that I have on today. Hubby want me to try it one to make sure it fit. Which it does the arms are a little big. He was so proud of himself.

People wonder WHY? I have so much PINK item it because people see it and think AMY would so LOVE this. Which I so do. If you don't know I LOVE PINK and it is my Favorite color.

Today I leave you will my Winter Perfume.

Bath and Body Works Winter Candy Apple, Vanilla Bean Noel and CR Refuge

I LOVE these scent for the holiday time. I use them every year around this time.



  1. Oh what adorable socks.

    I'm having a blah kind of day too. I'm so ready for my 2 weeks Christmas Vacation. ☺

    I hope you can jump over to our blog and check out our little giveaway we are having. ☺

  2. What a darling husband! Sorry about the couch!

    Call Me Ishmael


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