
Monday, December 20, 2010

My Christmas Tree ~ Vac day # 2

Precious Moment snow globe from MIL Peg and BIL Johnny.

Mitten From My Good Online Friend, Blue Tree from Anthony, Fat cat from MIL Peg and More Precious Moment

Special ornament from my good online friend they were hers

Pink Strawberry Cake

Hubby candy cane tree ornament I got him last year and the first ornament I gave him with a 2003 homecoming Picture.

The Tree Light up w/ two gift I have gotten so far.
Good Day Everyone.  I want to show you all my Christmas tree. Which I just got done decorating it. So today is a super busy day for me. I have today to get my house how I want it for Christmas time and for my parents visit.  Yesterday my Hubby cut his ponytail off. He is donating his hair to loves for locks. I also did this in February. I plan on doing it again when my hair gets longer.

So on Friday I was going to the groomers to make an appointment for Priscilla and had a lady walk up to me. To asked if I was going to the groomers. I told her yes. She then said DON"T go in there. I had no idea what in the world was going on. I listen to her and didn't go in. What happen was she was in there and got kick out by 3 big guys. So she called 911 and told them what was going on. Which they couldn't understand her. So they never came. Another lady pulled up in her car. She also got kick out to by these guys. She call the owner to see if they were ok. She talked to them in Spanish. Well the guys end up leaving. Once they were all gone. We all went in. The owner was telling us the guys were asking if they cut human hair and was talk about the camera. So whatever they were planing on doing they didn't. I went there this morning to drop Priscilla off and the owner is still scared and keeping the door lock. Which I don't blame him. It was a very scary on Friday and I came at the end of all of it. .  

So nothing cute today. So I thought I would just go ahead no show you all. No make up Amy with messy hair. Also not matching clothes. Are you sure you all are ready to see this look. Ok I'm guess you are ready for it. So here it is.

You all are luck I was brave to show you this look today.
 I also wanted to thank you all for following my on my blog. I hit 30 follower today or last night. All I know is when I sign on I had 30. Also have 33 Facebook Followers. Thank you all again.



Hello and Thanks so much for stopping by! I truly appreciate every comment and suggestion and they always bring a smile to my face! Have a great day!