
Monday, December 13, 2010

SnowFlake Day

Red Snowflake Long Sleeve Shirt From Old Navy~ 5.00 Christmas 2007
Quartz Jeans From CR-29.99 I got them for 40% off
Boots From Old Navy~34.50~ I got them for 30% off last year.
White Headband Gift From My MIL Peggy For my Birthday or Christmas
Jingle Bell Necklace and Earring From the Px
Red and Green Snowflake Socks From Target 1.00

Hello Everyone. Today was a Super busy day for me. Hint Why there not a lot of picture. I went to the Orthopedic to see if I have scoliosis. Which I have a very mild case of it. Which it can get worse. If my back hurt me I have to go back but for now I'm fine. The Dr. Said since I have a small case she won't even call it scoliosis. I actually find out last Thursday that I might have had it and I do. 

So beside going to the Dr. I had to go to Costco to get Chicken. We where almost out and that a crime in my house due to we mainly eat Chicken. I also almost have my Christmas shopping done. Which is good. One more gift to buy. Then I will be done. When Hubby came home from work. We went to Lowes and got some new item for the house. Plus we had to get a few things for the guest bathroom since my parents will be here in 8 days.So tonight we installed a new sink fixture and it looks awesome in the kitchen. I love that our house is starting to come together.

Also I won another giveaway. This time for Sunny Days and Stars Night. It must be my Lucky month. 

Today is National Cocoa Day. National Cocoa Day is celebrated annually on December 13 every year!  To learn more go HERE.

Today I Leave You All With My Kitchen Towels. They are hanging from my stove.


  1. Lol, chicken. It's milk at our house. We can't ever be without it; otherwise, Dan goes crazy! :-)

    Call Me Ishmael

  2. Pamela~too funny about the milk and Dan. Hubby thinks I will go crazy with out milk but I can do with out it.


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