
Saturday, January 8, 2011

On The 8th Work Day Of The Year She Wear Flat Shoe

Red Polo From Fashion Bug~ Super old It is From my Target working days.
Black Jockey Cami From The Px
Black Gap Skinny Pants Christmas Gift From Oma or Parents
Earrings From MIL Peg
Necklace From Px~ 4.99
Red Hair Clip From Walmart 10 for 1.67
Boots From Old Navy~34.50~ I got them for 30% off last year.

Hello Everyone. Today outfit is just something simple and easy for work. Work was good. A customer told me she liked my hair. Which I used Axe Hair Gel. The reason I used it was because after I did my hair I had a piece that was driving me nuts. So I told Hubby I needed hair gel. So he told me to use his Blue Axe Gel. So I did and like it. I was afraid it might be to manly of a smell but it wasn't. 

Also work was super slow today. I guess no one want to buy shoe right now. We got so many cute shoe in. I wish I could get them all but I can't. I'm not made out of money. 

I did win 25.00 on a lottery last night. My dad called and told me about it. So I thought that was very cool.

I hope you all have a great Saturday.


Hello and Thanks so much for stopping by! I truly appreciate every comment and suggestion and they always bring a smile to my face! Have a great day!