
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 9 30x30~ Work Outfit

Don't ask me what I was doing because I'm not even sure
BCBG Black Cardigan From Bj's ~14.99 Normal 98.00
White T-Shirt From Target~5.00
Black Wide Pants From New York Company~ Christmas Gift From Oma or Parent
Pink Earring From H&M~ I got them in Germany 
Pink Breast  Cancer Ribbon Scarf 25th Birthday Gift From MIL Peggy
Headband From a store in Germany
Madden Girl Heels From DSW~39.95 I got 30% off of them b/c I work there.

Hello Everyone. I hope you all had a good Wednesday. Wednesday are my longest work day. As I was getting ready for work. I got a call Amy can you come in early. I told them I would try because I was in the middle of getting ready and had to run to publix.  So that why they no Accessors picture. Well I was able to make it in when they wanted me to. So I ended up working a 9 hour work day. When it came 7pm I was so ready to come home. My feet were hurting me and I was tried. Then I have an hour drive to get home. So I called hubby to see if he made dinner.  Which he didn't make dinner. So I picked up Chipotle for dinner. Ate it and now writing this before I head off to bed. 

I was going to wear a different outfit I had plan but decide not to because I keep wearing my gray pants on Wednesday. So I decide I will wear that outfit tomorrow. Also I got told by one Co-worker that she liked my scarf. We got these super cute bow shoe in and I told a co-worker there were cute. I tried them on but don't like them on my feet. Then the co-worker said come on Amy you wear bows and flowers in you hair. So you can wear them on shoe. 

I will visit you blogs tomorrow. I to tired to read them tonight. I could fall asleep sitting here right now. 



  1. Oh sweetheart, sleep comes before reading blogs. Get some rest.

    I love this outfit, with the pop of pink! You look so sweet!

  2. You always have the cutest accessories. Love your scarf. I hope you got some rest last night. I was so tired this morning I had to fight to drag myself out of bed.

  3. I never know how to wear a scarf. You pull it off beautifully!

  4. hi amy, thanks for commenting on my post! what is the promo dress you wanted? it sounds pretty!

  5. Thanks ladies.

    I love mochi~ I will have to find a picture of it.

  6. I'm enjoying all of your remixes but this one has to be my favorite. It's so simple yet eye catching.


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