
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 29 30x30~ Day Off

White Cami From CR~6.99~40% off 
Hydraulic Jeans From CR~7.99
Earring From Px~ 4.99
Ribbon came from Wash clothes From Target
CL Flats From DSW ~27.96

Hello All. Today was my day off. So I did some major housework today. Also did some errands. I had to drop off dry cleaning. Which the worker
said where have you been. I told him I been working a lot. Which I have. I probably wouldn't have took the dry cleaning in today but Hubby asked about it. So I did it.  

For my outfit today I rolled my jeans up. It was 83 degree out today. So I want to comfy and cool. Which this outfit did the trick.

I went outside with Priscilla and Hubby locked us out. I was scared at first because I thought he left for school. Which he didn't so he let us back in. I told him if he did leave and locked the door. We would have been stuck outside to 9pm. Which would have not been fun. Plus it looked like it was going to rain. 

Priscilla is such a happy dog today. She loves the fact I'm home with her. She such a mommy dog. As I was clean the Kitchen. She was busy pulling out toys from her toy box. When I came in to the living room she was laying down with the toys around her. 

Look she has 4 toys around her. (Silly Dog)

I made a new video today of Priscilla Playing. If you like to see it you can go to my YouTube page HERE.

Thanks Sunny and Stars. I won there giveaway back in December and I got my first magazine yesterday.

P.S. You can see all my 30x30 outfit on my Facebook page. The button is on the side the page. I



  1. cute outfit!

  2. I love this! Classic and chic in black and white, and I love the cuffed jeans and flats. The flower detail is adorable too! Hope you enjoyed your day off!

    Come take a look inside A Working Mom's Closet

  3. Love the cropped jeans and floral pin! SO cute!

  4. Thanks Ladies.

    Melissa I did have a nice day off


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