
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wearing Black and Colorful Star to Work

Changed my mind on the blazer. Read below Why?

Star Tank Top Handed Me Down From My Sister
Black Gap Favorite Dress Pants Gift From Oma or Parent( LOVE THESE PANTS)
Star Earring From Alloy ~Super Old
Star Necklace From Target~1.00
Black Headband Gift From My MIL Peggy For my Birthday or Christmas
Dr Scholls Shoe From DSW~18.88 

Hello Everyone. My plan was to wear my hair down. To show you all my new haircut but it is raining outside. So that was a no go. If I spent the time to straighten my hair and then go outside. Its just going to get curler again. So nope not doing it. Then I was going to leave my bangs out on both side but I couldn't get them to curl right. So another no go. Guess over all I'm having a bad hair day. Even tho it doesn't look like it. At first I thought I wasn't going to be able to blog today due to the nasty rain storm we were having. It was kicking my power out. One minute it was on the next it was off. Poor Priscilla was freaked out. I'm not going to lie. I was a bit scared myself because the wind was horrible. My friend went outside and got hit in the face with a kids play ball. Thats how bad the wind was. 

So now on today look. This girl love to remix. You all know that. So I today I want to wear something different for a change and something that hasn't been shown before. So that meant this star tank top. This tank top is super comfy. That I have actually slept in it before. It came to me from my little sister. She out grown it. One of my Aunts got it for her. So to be able to wear it to work I needed to dress it up some. I planed on wearing my blazer with this tank top but when I put it on it didn't look good. All I knew was I was going to make this work because I really want to wear this to work. So then came in plan B. Which was me try the vest on with it and BINGO we have a winner. Dressy but still comfy for a closing shift tonight. 



  1. You look great Amy. Can't wait to see the new haircut. I desperately need to get a haircut but the only day each week that I have time is Saturdays and lately I've just been refusing to wake up early to get a haircut.


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