
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My 2011

Hello All. A lot Happen in 2011. My blog hit 100 followers. Which I thank everyone of you that follow, read and comment on my small blog. In February I did 30x30 for the first time. Which I enjoy doing 30 for 30. Also that month I lost my uncle to cancer. Which that hit the family hard. One big thing that happen this month was I got Promoted to Full time. Another big thing is February was I got Stylish blogger award on 2-21-2011. The last thing I did for this month was Fabulous in February. 

In March I started doing awkward and awesome Thursday. I also was doing the pongr fashion contest. In April I brought my first piece of clothing after going 71 days with out shopping. I also join in the PJ's Project over at ML blog which is  Twenty York Street.  I also started doing I wore something new over at Camille From I am Never Naked

Pongr Award 
In May I went on a mini vacation to Orlando, Also I did a Blogger Meet up with Melissa Of   A Working Mom's Closet.  Two big thing that happen this month was I won Pongr Fashion Plate Contest. Which was a $200 Visa Gift Card. I also did a review for We Love Color. In June my Oma(grandma) had a heart attack. Which she is doing much better now.

Melissa and Me

 July was a super busy month for me.  I find out I was moving back to Michigan. So that meant a lot of packing to do and to put the house on the market to sell. I turned 26th this month. Also this month Hubby Aunt got in to a motorcycle accident. She doing much better now. My Blog turned 1yrs old and we can't forget that I got the best blog award from Melissa. 

August was spent house hunting and getting adjust to our new jobs. Also catching up with family that we hadn't seen in 4 yrs. September was spent getting adjust to Michigan Crazy weather and Celebrating my mom and Hubby Birthday.  In October I did BBCA(Blogging for breast Cancer Awareness) which this cause is dear to my heart and yes I did wear pink for the 31 days. 

November I hosted my very first Thanksgiving. Which was fun and stressful. Also this month I won a Claire From Spinning Thread giveaway. December was spent hosting my first Christmas home in 4yrs. 

Also the biggest thing that happen to me in 2011 was I hit my goal weight. 

That was my 2011. 

I hope you all had a good 2011. 



  1. What an exciting Year and all the best in 2012.

  2. Seems like you had a great 2011! Here's hoping 2012 will bring as much, if not more, excitement ;)

  3. Lovely pictures, you and melissa look like you had a great time. now a new follower :)

  4. sounds like it's been a great year in blogging! glad i got to experience it with you!


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