
Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Hello All. I hope you all are doing good. Today post is a non fashion related post. I start Insanity on Friday. It a 60 day work out. I'm mainly doing this to get tone and to also to get to my goal weight of 125. I start Insanity at 136. Now after just 5 days I'm done to 134.4 and feeling awesome.  

One thing that I have notice after doing this work out routine is I have more energy. Normal I would wake up with hubby and make his lunch. Tell him bye and back to bed I would go. Now I just stay up and start getting ready for work. If I have to work that day. I have had time to now do errand before work. Which is so nice. Today I had off so instead of going back to sleep like I normal would do after hubby went to work. I was able to run errands and get the whole house cleaned by 1pm. Then it was me time. Which I painted my nail and try to catch up on everyone blog. 

I'm not going to lie to you all. This work out is hard. I have to push myself to get thou the 40 minute work out. Lucky I have hubby who doing it to. To help push me thou it.  Also it took me a couple of day to get use to eating 5 meals a day. Which now since my body is use to eat the 5 meal a day. If I miss one meal it scream at me. FEED ME. 

I have been using the Insanity meal book. To make the meal and I can say normal stuff I wouldn't eat. I'm eat now. Like pineapple. I so dislike them but put them in cottage cheese with fiber one honey cluster and they aren't that bad. So last night I made chicken meat ball and wheat pasta and it smell gross. It actually tasted super yummy. Weird I know. I will be making little update post on my 60 days journey.



  1. great job, good for you!

  2. Amy, I'm so excited for you! I did Phase 1 of Insanity but I wasn't able to get the DVDs for the second phase so I stopped. I'm doing TurboFire now which is similar in that it's HIIT training, but it's definitely not Insanity.

    Stick with it! You're doing great!

  3. wow!! That is really good!! I have done this before and it is insane!! I thought that the warm up was the workout lol.

    Good luck to you!!

  4. Good for you! I heard this workout was totally insane.

  5. we are at the beach now on family vacation. my sons did this Mon and today with their uncle...they are all in bed now ...hhahaha
    go for it!!

  6. wow this is seriously motivating! I must start working out as well! xx

  7. wow!! like it ;)

  8. Awesome Amy I saw you post about it on facebook, good work!!


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