
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Insanity Update

BEFORE ~ July 10, 2012
AFTER~September 5th, 2012

Hello everyone. Today is going to be a different kind of post.  So back in August I  wrote  how  I started doing Insanity. Well my 63 days are almost over with.  I only have 10 more days to go. The main reason why I decide to do this crazy workout was to help hubby loss some weight. I also want to get back to my goal weight of 125 and get toned up. 

Are first step before doing insanity was to hit the grocery store to buy healthier food.  It was a big wake up call to see how much calories was in are favorite food. The first time we went to buy food  to make the meals from the meal planing book. It took us 2 hours. Yes you read that right 2 hours at the grocery store because we were look at all the calories stuff had in it. 

 For the first couple weeks we used the Insanity meal book to plan are meal.  Which was breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2 snack  We did that for a few weeks but then I started to complain because I was sick of having the same food. So hubby came up with a tuna and cheese pasta meal to have. Which it was super good and only 350 calories for a serving.  Plus super filling. 

When we first start doing the insanity work outs we couldn't get thou the whole video with out stopping like 10 time.  As the weeks went on we got better. Then it was time for recovery week. Which I loved this week.  Due to there wasn't that many push up involved.  After a week of recovery it was on to the second month. Which the first day of month 2 was a fit test and then a 60 min work out. So there for you are working out for one hour and 25 mins.

We did the fit test and we got better at a few things. Also stay the same at a few thing. So then came the fun part the 60 minute work out. I was stand there watch Shaun T. Show us how to do the work out and I'm like you got to be kidding me. Nope he wasn't. By the end of that work out I was crying. That would  make my second time crying during insanity. This stuff is no joke but it truly work. 

I went from been 136 to now been 123.7. Now that I'm almost over with the doing insanity. I eat other stuff that not on the diet. Like popcorn, goldfish and other yummy stuff. I just watch how much I have of it.

Hubby is going awesome too. He went from a size 42 jean to a size 36. I'm so proud of him.



  1. I would love to have your straight. I'd love to start this plane

  2. Great job girl! Hard work paid off!

  3. Amy your body is perfect! But the stride your doing to help your hubby lose weight is super sweet! Aww, your such a good wifey! Im proud of your hubby to because that is very very good! I mean wow! Tell him I said "keep up the good work!" YAYAYYA!
    The remix is super cute!
    Love the color!

  4. You look great Amy, you stuck with it and even beat your goal weight!

  5. hey there! newest follower to your blog! OMG good for you gf! how awesome! insanity looks so scary haha.. i dont know if i would have the dedication for that! cant wait to read more from ya and would love if you followed back!

  6. Good job, Amy!
    I'm following you! :)
    Hope you will follow me back :)

  7. love it :)

  8. Great job you two. I really need to get some motivation, I guess your success should motivate me!!! I checked out a 4 min workout on pinterest, I should start it!!! I also am reading this a few days later and see your after post in the button up, you look awesome, I see the difference, of course. This will also help you save money on clothes. I also wanted to say I shared some stuff from your mood board and congrats on getting the pongr money, I don't play anymore because my plan changed. And to make this post even longer I decided to get a bubble necklace with amazon gift card. Thank you again :) Camille

  9. Yay to staying heAlthy and keeping fit!


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