
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2013 Outfit Recap

Hello Everyone. I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite outfit with you all from 2013.  I also asked on my blog facebook page for people to let me know what their favorite outfit was for 2013 as well.  Also asked my friend to tell me their too. After I got what everyone favorite outfit was that I wore in 2013. I put them all together in this collage.

 My style change a lot last year. Mainly due I went from working 5 days a week in retail to becoming a housewife. Which working retail you have to be up with the last trends and look cute. Also put together.  Being a housewife it doesn't matter what you wear or look like. It took me a couple month after I quiet my job to get back in to wearing cute clothes again. For a few month I was just wearing t-shirt or a hoodie with jeans . If you have been reading my blog for awhile now. You know I took a blogger break for a couple month. That was mainly to get myself back together after the move and to get settled in. Also to figure out where I want my blog to go. I want to thank my fellow blog friends. Who e-mailed me or Instagram me. To make sure I was still alive and doing okay. 

It wasn't until October. When I really got back in to blogging my outfits. BBCA(Blogging for Breast Cancer awarness) really helped me out with that and I'm happy to be back. I really have fun putting my outfit together and showing you all of them. Also with finally getting back in to blogging. I have decide I will only be blogging 6 days a week. Instead of every day like I did in the past. Also I will only be posting outfit every other day. 

Now on to my favorite outfit for 2013.

My all favorite outfit was BBCA DAY 24~ eShakti Review: Contrast Trim Ponte Skater Skirt. Also my Friends Scribble and G's favorite as well. 
2nd Outfit was Pink Heart worn on December 16
3rd Outfit was Seeing Dots on December 6. Also my friend A's favorite outfit as well. 

M Favorite outfit was Last Outfit For 2013
Scribble Favorite Outfits are
October 16~ Lunch Date
October 19~ Date Night



  1. great recap! here's to more amazing outfits.

  2. You look great in all the outfit.

  3. All of these are great Amy! I really like the heart sweater

    1. I was so happy to find that sweater. My hubby doesn't like it but it all good b/c i do.

  4. Nice recap :)


  5. great looks!

  6. Very awesome collage and a great fashion recap. I like your 2nd favorite outfit since Valentines day is fast approaching I am some kind of looking a sweater with lots of hearts on it. And I see it here made me smile! ^_^ Thanks for the visit.!

  7. Great outfits!!
    See you soon!
    This is my blog ♥

  8. Love your recap its awesome!!!

    My blog here

  9. Ehi! you have a very nice blog!
    I follow you now, if you want we can follow each other! :)
    Facebook page

  10. great pictures dear !! you look amazing in all :) x

  11. It was so nice looking at this recap. The Pink Heart Sweater Outfit is my favorite of the year.

    1. Thank you, I plan on wearing my heart sweater here again soon


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