
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

My Training for my FIRST 5k

Hello Everyone. Today I'm going to share with you all. Some of my 5k training. Which this Saturday April 12, 2014. Will be my first 5k run. Which I'm super excited and can't wait to do it. I have been training hard for it the last couple months. Hubby was running with me but then stopped after the bus accident. Due to he hurt his knee. He is still supporting me 100% and it awesome to have him on my side. Also my friends have been supporting me to. Which it help me to have a big support team. It make me want to run even more. 

Back in high school I was on the track team as a long distance runner. Which after high school I stopped running. So this year I have decide to get back in to running. Which its not easy to get in to at first but once you do you will love it. 

On January 25, 2014 I went on my first run. Which was horrible. I could even run for 5 minute. It had me feel real bad. So a friend told me about the couch to 5k.  Program. After they told me about the program I look in to it.  Which I didn't follow the plan completely. I did it for a couple weeks and then started to do my own thing. Which was run until I couldn't no more and walked some. Then run again. My hubby was by my side to make sure I did over do it. 

With each week I was able to do more and more. Also my pace got better. 
On February 19, 2014 I ran my first quarter mile. The week after my quarter mile. I ran a full mile. Which was on February 23. After that each week I went far and far.  Which now I'm up to 2.60 Miles. 

Yesterday I ran 2.60 mile and walk the rest to 3 mile. I end at 35:12. Which I'm happy about. I'm hoping that I can run a little faster on Saturday. Over all my goal is just to finish the 5k. Then next month when I do my next 5k. I will have a time goal in mind.

Here the break down of each week of process. 
February 19, 2014 0.25 Mile
February 24, 2014 1.00 Mile
March 9, 2014 1.25 Mile
March 16, 2014 1.50 Mile
March 25, 2014 2.00 Mile
March 29, 2014 2.10 Mile
April 2, 2014 2.25 Mile
April 7, 2014 2.60 Mile




  1. This is awesome news Amy!! You are going to do great Saturday! I used that program too a few years back, totally works:) Just take it easy and don't over do it.

    A Lifestyle Blog where Fashion, Decor & Cooking “connect”.
    Statements in Fashion Blog♥

  2. You go girl this is great best of luck on Saturday I know you will do amazing.

  3. All the best Amy :)

  4. very awesome! good for you!

  5. aww... congrats to you! i don't think i can do that! lol!

    It’s a GIRL Thing

  6. You are going to KICK butt at the race on Saturday! I can't wait to hear about it!

    Jessi at Not the Average Bear

  7. Congrats on training for your first 5K. Hope you have a great run this weekend!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  8. Good luck on your first 5K. I cannot imagine the amount of training that has to go into it.

  9. Sounds like a great plan! I think you will do an amazing job at your first 5k if you stick to this!

  10. Sounds like you're doing great, Amy! Good luck on your first 5k! I can't wait to hear more about it!

  11. Good luck!! This is really awesome! I have never done a this is really awesome to see someone train and then do it :)

  12. Good luck with your 5K, I love those shoes!

  13. Good luck babe!

  14. nice post with all that fitness motivation - it's time to get moving again as summer is approaching fast!

    Check out my latest outfit post! :)
    AL xx
    RASSP blog

  15. Wow! Good job.


  16. bel post.molto carino.
    buon prodotto...un bacio cara

  17. Yay for you. That's a great program, I have had a few friends who have done it.

  18. Couch to 5K is so awesome! I did it for awhile, and it really did improve my running. I stopped though, which I shouldn't have. Yay for you getting back into it!

  19. Awesome !! good luck dear ! :) xx

  20. Ugh! I remember my first 5k (it was back in 2008!)... So much fun. Good luck m'dear! (and fun running gear is totally the best, eh?)


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