
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tough it out Tuesday: Insanity

Right July 10, 2012~136 lbs/ Left September 2012 116lbs

Hello Everyone. Today I'm going to talk about my body. Please no negative comment. If you have been reading my blog for sometime now. You know that in 2012 I was the heaviest I have ever weighted. Which I would get comment telling me how fat I gotten. That when I decide I had to do something about my body. In August 2012. I started doing Insanity and lost 20 pounds. Which I felt great. You can read about my Insanity HERE.

I did such a great job keeping the weight off. Until April of 2013 that when I move to Germany. I was living in a hotel for 3 month and eat out a lot. Which cause me to start gain some weight. I was going to Zumba 3 time a week. Which helped me lose some of the weight. Well in July of 2013 I move in to my house and slowly started to stop working out. In October I was hitting the gym hard. Then the holiday came around and everything went to crap.

In January of this year I start back up with working out. Mainly just running. I still was eat whatever I want to eat. While a few month ago I step on the scale and start to cry. Due to I was weighing in at 143. Which to some people I know that is nothing but to me it was a huge deal. Due to that is now the heaviest I ever weight.  I have always struggle with my weight. For the longest time I was underweight and was trying to gain weight. Which you can read a post I did on that HERE

With the added wight I have gain. It  cause me to not enjoy getting dress. I still blogged about  the outfit I was wearing but made sure you couldn't see my stomach. Due to it the biggest thing on my body. I didn't want people to think I was pregnant. Since I have gotten asked in the past if I was.

Well over a month ago. I decide it was time take my life back and get fit again. I started to do a few insanity workout. Along with some Jillian Michaels and some random home workout. Plus running.  What I would do is one day go on a run. Then the next day do a home workout. I did this 6 days a week.  Along with doing this. I was watching what I ate and started to eat health again.

Which a lot of my family and friend think I'm crazy for doing this. They tell me that I look fine. The thing is I'm doing it for ME.

Which with working out and eating right for over a month. I have lost 5.4 pounds. I'm now weighing in at 137.6. I'm starting to feel great again and enjoying getting dress again.
It took me a lot of time to become brave to post these before picture. These picture where taking on May 18, 2014

Last week I decide to start up doing Insanity again. Along with the Insanity diet that goes with it. Since that what I used last time when I lost the 20 pounds.  In 30 days I will be doing an update post on how Insanity is going. Insanity is a 63 days programs.

I'm lucky to have an amazing beachbody coach this time around. Not only is she a beachbody coach. She an amazing blogger too. Make sure you go check out Jessie of Not the Average Bear - A Fitness Blog and she also blogs at JumpingJE.




  1. WOW!!! Continua...


  2. You go girl such determination very admirable.

  3. Great dear your determination inspires me alot.
    Am sure you will reach your goal very soon

  4. only you knows what's best for you!

  5. You have done a great job dear..keep it up :)

  6. <3 I love love love your last photo where you've got a happy grin and you're flexing!

    Can't wait to go on this journey with you!!!

  7. Wow amazing effect! Very good job!

  8. Good for you girl! A lot of people tell me the same thing... you're in shape, you're fine... but I want to get better and stronger for ME! Keep up the good work!

  9. Yay for you! I think you look great. I can't believe people commented so meanly on your blog! You are always beautiful, no matter what your weight!

    1. Thanks you. Some people are just mean and like to put people down.

  10. I don't understand why someone would take time to be mean to you about your body... It's your body and weight (and weight struggles) are such a personal thing. Even if it's out of concern there are far superior ways to reach someone than nasty comments on a blog...

  11. You are so brave for writing this post! Good luck with your journey to being healthier!

  12. I think you have always looked great Amy. I am sure with all of the determination you have you will be back to your goal weight in no time.

  13. Woww felicidades por tu determinación. Estas muy guapa. Que viva la vida sana.

  14. U look great babe I'm so proud of u commitment!!

  15. I have never tried this kind of workout! But it seems that work
    so happy for you



  16. Great job, girl!
    Happy for you!
    Good Luck because its no easy.

  17. Wow! You are really brave to talk about things like this. I'm about 10-15 over where I feel most comfortable and hope to work on that this summer (it's going to be less busy with work and travel than normal, so I am hopeful!)

  18. i think we've all been there. documenting it really helps us stay on track! keep up the great work!

  19. wow you are amazing
    keep on the effort
    I believe you can get the ideal weight soon

  20. GIRL. Isn't Insanity the best?!! It's crazy, but it's so so so effective. You're looking FABULOUS by the way! Ow oww!

    Diary of a Debutante

    1. Insanity is a crazy workout but it sure does work. Only a week and a day in and have already lost some inches on my body.

  21. I'm so sorry you were feeling so bad about your weight. I like your smile in that third photo that Jackie H. wrote about. My human and I both think you are very brave for writing this. We're proud of you.

  22. i follow you i wait you on my blog :*

  23. I know how it feels to have other people comment negatively on your body :( I do think you look great, though!! And I love working out and eating healthy, but it's challenging. Glad we are both challenging ourselves and we can keep doing updates! Insanity is so hard LOL I always yell at Shaun T.!!! But I feel great after a good workout. I am also really poor at running, but I'd love to get better at it.

    1. Thanks you, Shaun T. sure can be something else.

  24. You are a brave girl. You look beautiful dear. And I loved your confidence to share your story.
    Beauty of heart is more important than looks you have proven it. Good going girl :-)


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