
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tough it out Tuesday: #MayMiles

Hello Everyone. In May I did a mile a day challenge. Which is to put a mile in a day by walking, jogging or running. Today I'm here today to share my results with you all.  How I find out about this challenge was I happen to be on pinterest looking for fitness motivation quote and I saw it. The challenge was held by the spark people.  How I shared my miles each day. Was I repined the spark people pins everyday. I made a special board for this challenge called #MayMile. 

 How I track my mile was I used my fitibit. Which keeps track of my steps, miles, weight and how active I'm. I wear my fitbit every day. It is the bracelet you see on my left arm in my photo's. It might not be the cutest thing but it helps me stay on track.

My May Miles
May 1st~4.68
May 2nd~7.66
May 3rd~5.25
May 4th~5.90
May 5th~6.05
May 6th~5.00
May 7th~4.76
May 8th~4.84
May 9th~4.22
May 10th~4.67
May 11th~5.32
May 12th~4.64
May 13th~8.54
May 14th~5.62
May 15th~6.03
May 16th~2.76
May 18th~2.79
May 19th~3.71
May 20th~3.85
May 21st~4.70
May 22nd~8.22
May 23rd~2.93
May 24th~ 3.29
May 25th~1.17
May 26th~3.15
May 27th~3.90
May 28th~2.15
May 29th~2.48
May 30th~2.65
May 31st~2.49

I started the month off doing well. Then the end of came and I didn't put as many miles in. Over all I did get a mile in a day. So the challenge was a success.

For this month I'm join 1,000 minutes of physical active in 30 days. This Challenge is being hosted by Erin of Living in Yellow. If you like to join in on this please contact her and use #1000in30 on your social media. 




  1. Great job Amy.

  2. That's so great! Good for you!

  3. That is awesome. I have been wanting to do something similar but don't know what is the best way to track it. What did you use?

    1. I track my mile by using my fitbit. It a pedometer that keep track of your steps, miles and so much more. I have been using in for 2 years now and love it. I also have a nike+ plus that I use to go running with. Which tell me how far I went to. There is all different kind of pedometer out there on the market and range from different prices.

      I try using the samsung gear fit and didn't like it at all. Only cool thing I liked about it was you can see your e-mail on it.

  4. Wow, that is absolutely amazing! Great job!

  5. Great idea! COngrats ^^


    Don't forget to check my Shopbop gift card giveaway!!

  6. Great job! I have a fitbit too that I wear everyday (I have the one that clips to my pants or bra) and I love how accountable it helps me be! Well, some days more than others, but maybe I should find some challenges like you've been doing to help!

    1. Thanks. I used to have the fitbit that clip on. Then my husband got him the got the flex. After the force came out he gave me his flex. Which is what I have been wearing ever since.

  7. Raindrops of SapphireJune 3, 2014 at 12:49 PM

    Good luck with it! You did well in May!

  8. totally agree with u!

  9. woo hoo! keep up the great work!

  10. Holy cow! You seriously logged ALLLLL the miles! I was considering a fitbit, but I went to the store and saw it in person and it's just too big for my tiny wrists! So I've started looking for an alternative. Great job, lady!

    1. Thanks, a lot of my mile came from running. Fitbit has to size of the wrist band. I have to wear the small band and on the last hole. Due to I have a small wrist. The store might have had the large one on display. They also have other great products. Like the clip on fitbit. Which I what I first had and more on to the wrist band.

      Garmin also has one out. Called the Vivo fit. Which my husband uses and like it. If you sit to long it will give you a red bar. Then you have to work on getting rid of the bar by walking it off.

  11. A-Ma-Zing! Love that you can track it!


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