
Monday, September 22, 2014

Skirt and Ruffles

Sunday September 21, 2014
Audrey Hepburn T-Shirt From Old Navy~10.50
Ponte Knit Circle Skirt From Old Navy~17.48
 Unisex Full Frame Plastic Glasses in Black C/O Firmoo
Necklace Birthday Gift From MIL Peggy(25th Birthday)
Black Circle Earring From The PX
White Ruffle Sock Gift From My Friend G
Madden Girl Heels From DSW~27.97

Hello Everyone. I hope you all have a great weekend. My was a full weekend with hang out with friends. I wore this outfit to the sip and see. Which let me tell you all my car anxiety kick in big time yesterday. Which this is one thing I have never talked about on the blog before.

I have really bad car anxiety. What this mean is when I have no clue where I'm going or haven't driven that way before. My car anxiety kick in and I freak out a little bit. This only happen when I'm driving by myself. So yesterday I was going to the sip and see. I had the address in the GPS on my phone. Well at one point it had me turn down this road. When I got half way down the road. There was no longer a road. Due to it was being worked on. I had no where to go. So I had to do an u-turn and pray that I did't end up in a dig. After  I made the u-turn. The GPS kept telling me to go back that way. That's when my car anxiety kick in. I end up pulling off the side of the road. Turn off the radio and pull out the big GPS. Thinking it would send me a different way but it didn't. Now I'm at the point I'm late and was thinking to myself I should just go back home. Which I didn't.

I finally saw detour sign. That I end up taking. Which it lead me to a dirt road. That I had to take. As I was on the dirt road I was slipping and sliding. Do to the the fact it was raining out. Mind you I wasn't even driving that fast. After I got off the dirt road. I  was one regular road again and saw people car in the ditch do to they slide off the road. Due to Germany roads can be very curvy. Which at that time that was the type of road I was on.  When I finally made it to where I needed to be. The street the house was on was up a huge hill. Which they was no way I could handle driving up it. So I park on the street at the bottom of the hill. Then walked in the rain to the party. Which I had an okay time at.  When I got back home my friend text me to make sure I made it home safe. Due to I told them all the crazy drive I had to get there. I thought it was super nice of her to check in on me. 

 I'm link up with Just Another Smith and This Ever Evolving Life for Skirt Week.


  1. Love this look! The socks are adorable :)



    1. Thanks, I have been want to wear these sock for a long time and was having a hard time style. I was so happy they worked with this outfit.

  2. Adorable look on you doll love the outfit.

    1. Thanks Jackie. I really love how this outfit turn out.

  3. Oh very beautiful outfit!
    Lovely top!

  4. Love that t-shirt!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  5. This is super cute! I love Audrey Hepburn so much and have a shirt with a picture of her dressed up as her "Breakfast at Tiffany's" character. The skirt is adorable too.

    1. Thanks Tiffany. I love her as well. That one reason why I had to get this shirt.

  6. I am in love with that top! Who doesn't adore Audrey!? I feel like I watch Breakfast at Tif at least once a month!!
    xo ClassToCloset

  7. That would have cause me anxiety, too! On the plus side, you look so adorable in that fun skirt and tee, and your cute socks!

  8. oh gosh, I don't normally have that kind of anxiety, but I probably would in that situation. Thanks for linking up!!

    1. Your welcome. I plan on putting another skirt outfit together for Friday.

  9. I have driving anxiety too!! Especially if it's a road or route I've never taken before. Don't even get me started on the freeway. I avoid those like the plague. It sounds like a terrible drive there but I sure hope you had fun at the party!! You looked adorable!

    By the way, I love the new blog design!

    1. Freeway driving is no fun. Special over here. Where some of the road have no speed limit. People pass me all the time do to I drive slow. That mainly because I don't want to miss my exit. I'm so glad I not the only person like this.

  10. Essa saias esta um show arrasou tenha uma semana abençoada.
    Canal de youtube:

  11. Very girly yet quirky with the socks in heels! Very brave of you. Just love the graphic tee, not seen an Audrey Hepburn one before!

  12. Love the graphic tee and skirt! Glad you were able to drive to the sip and see and you were ok!

    1. I wish I could say I had a good time but I didn't. I just had an okay time.

  13. i hate getting lost. it's frustrating and scary. glad you made it there and back ok. cute party outfit!

  14. I love circle skirts and skater skirts.

    Btw my sister is in Germany right now on a work trip (the exciting life of a research chemist). Totally makes me think of you (though I realize Germany is huge)

  15. Heyyyy Amy! I loveeee this look, and that tee is soo cute!


  16. glad you made it safely and did not turn back.. Really cute outfit.

    1. Thanks Linda. I was so temped to turn around but something inside of me kept say you can do this.

  17. I love your outfit, first of all! Alot of people have car anxiety, just in different forms: my daughter doesn't do well with crowding on highways especially by trucks (a problem I had until I started driving an SUV and am more even with them); I don't do well in the front seat of a vehicle driven by someone else - not always, but sometimes I hyperventilate and scare the crap out of everyone ;- Put me in the back!


Hello and Thanks so much for stopping by! I truly appreciate every comment and suggestion and they always bring a smile to my face! Have a great day!