
Sunday, December 21, 2014

Just a little Thank you

Hello Everyone. This is going to be a different post from my normal day post. If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter. Then you know that my grandparent and my mom. Were in a bad car accident Friday evening at 6pm Michigan time. My dad call me at 12 am my time to let me know what had happen. At the time he didn't know all the details. Due to he just got the phone call from my cousin. Letting him know what had happen. My cousin just told my dad an 18 wheeler truck had hit them. So that what my dad had told my husband. Which that's what my husband had told me.

Yesterday morning I call my dad up and he had told me all the info he knew. Find out it wasn't an 18 wheeler that hit them. It was an F150 truck and it hit them twice.  My grandma was in the back seat of the car and wasn't affected in any way. My grandpa was driving the car and he hurt his back. My mom on the other hand wasn't so lucky. She has a broken arm, knee, whiplash and a hurt back. On top of all of that her blood sugar drop to 30. 

So the hospital is keeping my mom in the hospital to keep an eye on her. On top of getting in to the car accident. My mom had surgery the day before to get some deposit removed from her stomach. To get check out to see if it cancer or not. Which we won't find out if it is until after the holidays.  If you have been reading my blog for sometime now. You know my mom has gone thru a lot. God has truly has been on our side. 

I'm not writing this post for people to feel sorry for me or anything. I'm writing it to get this off my chest. Since this week has been a hard one for me. Not only have I had the car accident and my mom surgery. I have had test done myself for thing. Which I'm happy to say everything came out fine. Which make me super happy and blessed.

I'm writing this post. TO THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR WONDERFUL SUPPORT YOU HAVE GIVING ME. I can't thank you enough and let you know how much it mean to me.  You guys are the ones that help lift my spirits some with you kind words and comment. 
Today Christmas Items is this picture of My mom and me from 2010.


  1. Such a bad situation, but I hope everything is fine with your mother.

  2. Is good to get it off your chest I know if must feel helpless for you not to be there beside them in the hospital and being so far
    thank god your family is doing well and your mom will also conquer this god is beautiful and he hears the prayers.

  3. Hope everything would be alright.

  4. I hope your mom feels better soon! How scary that must have been. I will be thinking about you and your family!

  5. wish her quick recovery
    love your top its stunning

  6. Amy, I'm so sorry to hear about your family being in a car accident. I will be praying for your mom to heal soon. That's a great picture of you and your mom...looks so sunny and warm for December! :)

    1. Thanks you so much Galaxia. The picture was taken in Florida. When I used to live there. The picture is from the year they came to visit me and spend Christmas with me.

  7. may you mom recover soon and its great that you got everything out of your chest
    keep in touch

  8. hope that everything ll be ok with your mum , take care kisses

  9. Sorry to heard this!
    Hope everything its ok with your mother.
    In my prayers!

  10. Saying a prayer for your whole family, especially your Mom! I hope she is comfortable and you are all still able to celebrate the holiday.

    ♥ perfectly Priya

  11. Hope every thing is gonna be all right <3


  12. I'm so sorry to hear about the car accident, Amy. I'm sending you lots of prayers and I'll ask God to heal your mom. God is good because your family still came out from the car accident in one piece. That's a really great photo of you and your mom. <3

    Take care always, love Christine ~ xx

  13. Praying for your family!!!! So glad your grandma wasn't hurt and your grandpa wasn't so bad. Really hope your mom feels better as quickly as possible!

  14. Please keep us posted, I have everything crossed for a quick recovery and no cancer!

    1. Thanks Rebecca. I will for sure keep you all updated.

  15. Replies
    1. Thanks Belle, I will keep you all update when I get more news

  16. Sorry to hear about the accident. Thank god everyone is alive!

    1. I was so happy to hear that everyone was still alive.


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