
Monday, August 27, 2018

Review: Lypsyl Lip Balm

Disclaimer: As a member of the BrandBacker affiliate program, I was sent this product in exchange for a review. As always, all opinions are my own. 

Happy Monday Everyone! If you have been reading my blog since June then you know. I'm starting to get back in to taking care of my skin. Not only I'm forcing on my skincare. I'm all taking better care of my lips with lip care.  

Which beings me to the lip product I want to share with you all today.  Lypsyl was nice and sent me over two of there Original Mint lip balms to try out. I have been using this lip balm for a few weeks now and love it. I have notice a huge diffence in my lips. They are no longer super dry and cracking. 

Lypsyl Lip Balm are amazing. They leave my lips feeling nice a smooth and soft. Plus the minty flavor is so refreshing on my lips. Since the packaging is wider then your normal chapstick or lip balm. Its able to cover your whole lip in one go. Which is super nice. Also with Lypsyl Lip balm has a cute little bee slider to being the product to the top. Which I find super handy. 

The Original Mint lip balm is very lightweight. So it doesn't weigh your lips down at all. Plus the lip balm has a very nice creamy texture to it. Which help with the lip balm to go on fast and last on your lips. The best part about Lypsyl Lip Balm is you can buy it at Walmart, and Meijers for 2.99.  Another great thing about this lip balm is is not tested on animal.
This lip balm is going to be my holy grail when my lip get super bad in the colder month. I plan on keeping one Lypsyl Lip Balm in my bathroom and the other one in the diaper bag. That way its handy to use at all time.  Specially when I need it the most. 
Make sure you follow Lypsyl Lip Balm on Facebook. To see what other amazing product they have. Also if you aren't a fan of Mint. Lypsyl has other flavored lip balm. So make sure you check them out. 
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  1. Thank you for the post! I'll have to try Lypsyl. I'm always looking for new lip balms, and if they smell great, that is bonus!!

  2. Hi Dear,

    Such an interesting post ! Was lovely to read it , Anyway I wish u all the best and keep working because you do it right!

    Kisses xoxo

  3. Thanks for the post! I love lip balms!

  4. This review is very good and the lip balm looks good :)


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