Showing posts with label twitter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label twitter. Show all posts

Sunday, January 4, 2015

My 2014

Hello Everyone. Today I'm going to recap my 2014. First I want to thank you all for reading, commenting and following my blog. 2014 was my blog year. So many great thing had happen on my blog this year.  I had the opportunities to work with some great company this year. Also to do a few giveaway. Which stay tune I will be having some fun giveaway coming in 2015.

I team up with Candy at Curves Ahead. For a 30x30 Challenge.  Which was fun but I don't see myself doing another one of these.  Also this month I hosted my favorite things giveaway. Where you had to chance to win a few of my favorite things. Another thing that happen this month was I featured my Husband in a special post for Paul Fredrick. 

 I finished my 30x30.  Also another thing happen this month I show you all my pin it and did it organize project. Another thing happen this month was I did my first blog swap this year and meet Tiffany of Endless Bliss.  A fun thing that happen this month was I got to review glasses from Firmoo. Which these glasses I got. Have became my favorite pair to wear. 

 I got to knock of Paris off my Bucket list.  I showed you all my closet. The weather was getting nice out and the fest season started. Which I went to the Spring fest Idstein. Also this month kicked off my outdoor outfit of the day photo's. This month I had the opportunity to review a watch from Born Pretty Store and Shop Hopeful Kiss. I also got to write about Victoria's Dress.

One scary thing that happen in March was husband was in a very bad bus crash. Lucky they hit a tree. If they would have gone any farther they would have been in the water. God was truly on are side that day.
The preson in blue is my husband crawling out of the back of the bus.
  I ran my first 5K. I did my first blog interview on my blog with Galaxia of Hopeful Kiss A Pink Lipstick Life!.   Also this month I went to the Wiesbaden Easter fest. I did a fun review for Sensation of the Night. This month I took a leap and got bangs for the first time in years.  I got the the Very Inspiring Blogger Award from Beautify and Glamour Zone.


I did a Review for Ozeal. I wrote about my home away from home. Showed you what I would wear to Vegas if I ever went.  Also this month I wrote about my weight struggles. I got The Sunshine and Shine On Award from Debbie of I Love My Lemonade Life

I review nail cones. This month I went to the Wiesbaden music fest. I showed off my shoe collection.  I held my first blog link up.

I did 2 review for Kisspat Hair Chalk and OOFOS Shoe. Which I was feature on OOFOS Shoe Pinterest page.  I spent my birthday in Prague. I celebrated my 4th year of blogging 


This month I celebrate my 10 years of marriages in Berlin. Also did an Inspire swap with  Becky of  Mise En Place. I also join in with  Fanatics to do a NFL Challenge.  Also this month I went to the Heidelberg Castle. I got the  Very Inspiring Blogger Award from Dawn of Simply Sassy's Style. I also got sunflower awards by Jackie form  Beautify

My blog got a make over thanks to Elizabeth Loves Design Studio. I did a Fall swap with Tiffany of Endless Bliss. This month I got Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Awards from Jackie of Beautify.

I host BBCA(Blogging for Breast Caner Awareness) for the 3rd year. Which this year I had Ada of Elegance Mommyhood  helping me co-host. This year I had the biggest turn out of all time. Also this month I did a review for Whirl a style. 

I spent two week in Florida. Visiting my family and friend.

My mom and grandparent where in a car accident. Which they all are doing better. I also went to a few Christmas market this month. Also did a review for swaagbox.

Blog Stats for the year
GFC Follower 633
Bloglovin 252
Facebook 366
Google +41
IG 591
Twitter 448
Tumbler 21
Pinterest 10,214

Thanks again for supporting my blog in 2014. I can't wait to see what this new year will bring.


Sunday, June 30, 2013


Hello Everyone. I just want you all to know that this will be my last post for a week or maybe two. Due to tomorrow we are moving in to are house. Which you all know I'm super excited about that. I'm tired of living out of my suitcase and eating out. I will miss having people clean up the room for me but I will enjoy having my own bed back. Along with all my clothes and my shoe.  Plus my scarfs and jewelry. O we can't forget all my headbands. So get ready to see my rocking my headband again.

Tomorrow we will be getting a washer and dryer. Plus a ice box and a temperer bed. Also on box of our stuff. Which is some of Hubby clothes, pots and pans and etc. Then on July 2nd we will be getting are cable and internet put in. Then on July 5th we will be all of are stuff. So I will be having unpacking it all. Once it all unpacked. I will return to my blog and hopefully become a good blogger again. By reading your blogs and posting more. 

Tomorrow google reader is going away. So if you want to still want to get updates on my blog. 

Follow me on Bloglovin.
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