Showing posts with label Beret. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beret. Show all posts

Friday, February 13, 2015

Freaky Friday

 Black, Grey and White Striped Cardigan From The Recycling Center
Boyfriend Jeans From American Eagle~15.99
Black Tassel Infinity Scarf from Tiffany of Endless Bliss Happy Fall swap
Black Beret From Wicky~3.99 Euro(5.48 Dollars)
 Unisex Full Frame Plastic Glasses in Black C/O Firmoo
Black Sweater Uggs Christmas Gift From Hubby(2013)

Happy Friday the 13th Everyone. For today outfit I just wanted a cozy outfit to do some errands in. So I went with this really big cardigan that I got a the recycling a few month ago and pair boyfriend jeans. Which I'm so happy I picked these bad boy up in November. The only downsize to them is that are on the shorter side. So I have to wear them with boot right now. In the warmer month I will be able to rock them with heels or flats.

I just want to thank you all for you love and support on my IG photo yesterday. If you don't follow me on there. I post a picture of my beloved family dog Casey. Which we lost her on Wednesday night. She was 15 years old. She was a very well loved dog. Who will be truly missed.

A Labour of Life


Monday, January 19, 2015

Geometric Monday

Geometric Vest Cardigan Christmas Gift From Scribble(2014)
Black Scoop Neck Long Sleeved Tee From Old Navy 7.00
 Black Gap Skinny Pants Christmas Gift From Oma or Parents(2010)
 Grey Beret From Wicky~3.99 Euro(5.48 Dollars)
Silver Skinny Belt came with my Wallflower Double Bling Belt Skinny Jean
Black Sweater Uggs Christmas Gift From Hubby(2013)
Happy Monday Everyone. I hope you all had a great weekend. My weekend was a very productive one. We end up moving the guest bedroom to the old office. Then we turned the old guest bedroom in to a closet/office. We decide that we no longer want the computer in the living room. Since we weren't using them as much as we thought we would.  Also with moving are shrunk out of our bedroom it now open space up for another dresser. Which is much need. Since my husband has a lot of clothes.  I think at one point in time I had more clothes then him but not he out does me. I have one shrunk for my clothes and he has 2 filled one.  Then one we share with our dresser clothes. 

I know I just wore the cardigan vest a few weeks ago but I loved it so much. I had to give it another go. I decide to pair it with all black this time. That way the cardigan would stand out. Along with my barbie pink lipstick.  


Monday, January 5, 2015

Football Baby

January 4th, 2015
Crystal Straight Jeans From CR~7.49
 Pink Prada Glasses
Helmet Earrings From Charming Charlie~10.00
 Pink Ugg Boots From DSW~44.96

Hello Everyone. I hope you all had a great weekend.  Mine was okay. I did some cleaning and relaxing.  Yesterday the lions play in the first round of playoff games. So you know I had to rock my lions jersey to sport my team. I hope you all have a wonderful week.


Sunday, December 28, 2014

Random Sunday

October Selfie~ Part of me wishes I didn't cut my bangs. O well they will grow back to be this length again. See full outfit HERE
Selfie From November. This UA hoodless pocket sweatshirt is my go to item. For when I want to look put together and comfortable. I plan on taking full photo of this outfit the next time I wear it. I truly wear it like once a week.  I so wish I would have got this sweatshirt in another color.

Random selfie for last week. When I was digging my makeup. Not the best picture of it.

Part of my kitchen I re-did. There more to it. If you like to see the rest of it. Just let me know and I can do a post on it. 

Christmas Day table setting. Plus new shelf's we hung up in the dinning room.

Snow we got yesterday. Which this was fun to driving in. We had plan with some friend yesterday. Which our car couldn't go up there hill to get to there house. We even try pushing the car up the hill but it was a no go. So my husband had to park at the end of the hill. Then we walked in the snow to our friends house.  Once we got to our friends house we ate lunch and played board games. Which is the best way to spend a snowy cold winter day.


Friday, December 19, 2014

Glamorous Plaid

 Pink Ugg Boots From DSW~44.96

Happy Friday Everyone. So this morning I  decide that I want to wear my navy sweater tank. Since I haven't worn it since the summertime. I had no idea what I wanted to wear under it. Then I saw this plaid shirt in my closet and everything came together.  Minus the shoe. I didn't care for my pink uggs with this outfit. Which my husband didn't even take picture of my shoe. The funny thing is he didn't know that I didn't like them with the outfit. Over all I love how this outfit came together. 

I have no idea what I was doing in this photo but my husband calls it the blowing you nose pose.  Also on a sidenote I hope your not get sick of me wearing beanie/beret. They are truly my go to thing in the fall and winter time. Also there a must in Germany. With the cold weather.

Today Christmas item is my all time favorite Christmas song. I want a hippopotamus for Christmas. Not that many people have heard this song. I think it a midwest thing. I would listen to this song every Christmas in Michigan. 
The Closet by ChristieWe Took the Road Less Traveled


Friday, December 5, 2014

Festive Friday

White Lace Cami From Old Navy-2.70
Uggs Boot Christmas Gift From Hubby(2007)

Happy Friday Everyone. This month you will be see a few festive outfit. Specially since I own 3 Christmas related top that I like to pull out once a year. I know there a fashion rule. If you only wear it once get rid of it. Well I don't go by that rule with my Christmas shirt and my Breast Cancer shirt. They are shirt I only wear during special month.  I have had this snowflake ornament shirt for 7 years now. I have worn it 4 time on my blog. Each time I have worn it. I have remixed it. This is my first time wearing my snowman scarf with it. Which last year I didn't wear my Christmas scarf at all. 

If you can't tell by now. Christmas is my all time favorite holiday. Not only do I decorated but I wear Christmas related clothes.  I can't wait to get my tree up this weekend.  Beside getting my tree up this weekend. I might be going to another Christmas market. 

Side note today make my 1400 post here on my blog. 

To go along with my snowman scarf. I'm wearing my snowman sock. Which this is today Christmas item. 


Friday, November 7, 2014

Grey for My Mom's

 Black, Grey and White Striped Cardigan From The Recycling Center
Grey Shirt from VS-4.99
 Black Gap Skinny Pants Christmas Gift From Oma or Parents(2010)
Silver Necklace~16.99 C/0 Kmart
Small Hoop Earring From CR~4.00
Stud Earrings Gift From Nicole of NYC on my Mind
 Unisex Full Frame Plastic Glasses in Black C/O Firmoo
 Rhinestone and Black Skinny Belt Came with the Wallflower Double Bling Jeans
 Grey Beret From Wicky~3.99 Euro(5.48 Dollars)
Custom Grey Made Uggs From Burresi~219.00 Euro(296.91 Dollars)

Happy Friday Everyone. As many of you know I pick clothes up at the recycling center here and there. Well last month when I was there dropping off my paper items. I decide to go in to the inside of the recycling center building to see what they had. When I came across this stripe cardigan. Which it not my size at all. Its an x-large. I told myself I would make it work. So I brought it home with me. Washed it and put it in my closet for a day I want to be warm but comfortable too. Which that day is today. To give the sweater some shape. I just add this skinny belt with rhinestone on it.  

November is Diabetes Awareness Month. So I'm wearing this cardigan because it has grey in to honor the cause.  My mom, My MIL, Grandma and a few friend all have this.  In December 2007 I almost lost my mom to diabetes.  I will never forget this day. It was 3am in the morning and I got a call from my dad. Say you need to come home. The Dr's don't know if your mom going to make it. After  I hang the phone up. I called my mother in law up and told her what was going on. Mind you I was crying like blood Mary. That I woke my husband up.  That morning he went to work and they told him to go home. I didn't even brother trying to go in to work that day. When my husband got home from work. We hop on the computer and book our flight to go from Germany to Michigan. 

I had friends come and watch Priscilla(my dog) and stay at my house. Then the next morning we were off to Michigan. The first thing we did was go to the hospital. My mom end up being in a diabetes coma for 3 week. Also she had a stroke as well. I'm so happy that my mom made it out of this. I'm also happy that she has manger to get her sugar under control. 

Diabetes is not anything to mess around with. So please get your self check out for it.  A couple sign you might have it our.

~Increased urination, excessive thirst
~Weight loss~ This is how we find out my mom had it in 1995
~Skin Problems
Sock are From my Fall Swap with Tiffany of Endless Bliss. 
If you follow me on Instagram. You might have seen this picture with the #sockittodiabetes. If you want to help get the word out for diabetes. Post a picture of you sock on social media with #sockittodiabetes.  I posted this photo for my family and friends.

We Took the Road Less Traveled


Thursday, October 30, 2014

BBCA DAY 30:October Spending and Saving

Ipsy Bag~ 10.00
October 1st, 2014~ Linkz for BBCA Link Up~ NEED
October 5th, 2014~Pearl Tampons From The Commissary 4.04-2.00 Coupon=2.04 NEED
October 5th, 2014~Kotex Cleanwear Pads From The Commissary 2.99-1.00 Coupon=1.99 NEED
October 19th, 2014~ Simple Smoothing Facial Scrub From The Commissary 4.99-2.00 Coupon=2.99 NEED
October 23rd, 2014 Sally Hansen Ultimate Shield Top and Base Coat From The PX 4.29 NEED
October 23rd, 2014 Black, Grey and White Striped Cardigan From The Recycling Center~ FREE~ DIDN'T NEED
October 26th, 2014 Oral-B Pro-Health Clinical Pro-Flex Toothbrush From The Commissary 3.32-.50 Cent Coupon=2.82 NEED~ Do to my stockpile run out
October 28th, 2014 Ponds Wet Cleansing Towelettes From the Commissary~3.79-.50 cent=3.29 NEED
October 28th, 2014 Ponds Wet Cleansing Towelettes From the Commissary~3.79-.50 cent=3.29 NEED
October 29th, 2014 bareMinerals BARESKIN in Bare Beige 08 From the Px 24.65 DIDN'T NEED
October 29th, 2014 bareMinerals Prime Time Original From The PX 20.40 ~ Brought as a back up for when I run out
October 29th, 2014 bareMinerals Lash Domination in Intense Black From The Px 15.30~ NEED~ A replacement for the NYX Doll Eye Marscara 
October 29th, 2014 bareMinerals Precision Face Brush From The PX 23.80~ Brought to use with the Bare Skin
October 29th, 2014 bareMinerals Lasting Line Eyeliner in Always Charcoal From The PX13.60~ NEED~ Almost out of my eyeliner
October 29th, 2014 bareMinerals Original Foundation in medium From The PX 22.95~ Back up for when I run out
October 29th, 2014 bareMinerals Ready Foundation  Broad Spectrum SPF 20 in R210 From The PX 24.65~ Back up for when I run out
October 29th, 2014 Pink Garmin Vivofit Band From The Garmin Store 9.99 Euro(12.64 Dollar) DIDN'T NEED


Hello Everyone. I'm doing my spending recap a day early. Mainly due to I know I will not be buying anything else for this month. Today and tomorrow will be spent finish putting my Halloween costume together. Plus making food for the Halloween party I'm going to on Saturday. I was doing so good this month. Until yesterday when my husband decide to make a trip out to the big PX. Which we don't go to that one a lot. We go to it maybe every 3 to 6 months.  Since its an hour drive from us. Since we were there and they carry bareMinerals products. I decide to stock up and get some thing I been want to try out. The only way for me to get bareMinerals products here in Germany is if I go to the big Px thats an hour away or if I order it off of Sephora. I do hope one day this brand get bigger over here. That way I can get my hands on it.

I wasn't sure if I should have add my Ipsy Bag in my monthly recap. Due to I haven't gotten it in the mail yet. Once I get it I will do a post on what I got. 
I can tell you guys already that my 100 dollar budget will be blown next month as well. Which you are probably wonder why I'm saying that being that the new month hasn't started yet. Well it due to I'm going on a trip. Where I will be doing some major shopping.

Total Spending for the Year
March~ 464.59
April~ 48.15
June~ 20.96
August~ 61.26

Total Saving for the Year
April~ 757.54
June~ 1,054.47
August~ 1,303.32

Total Days of not buy shoe or clothes
Clothes~ 65 Days
Shoes~118 Days

    An InLinkz Link-up
 Black Racerback Cardigan 26.24~c/o Kmart
White Scoop Neck Long Sleeved Tee From Old Navy 7.00
Pink Almost Famous Jeggings From The Px~19.00
 PinPrada Glasses
Pink Earring From H&M
Black Beret From Wicky~3.99 Euro(5.48 Dollars)
Pink Flower Belt Gift From MIL Peggy
Black Sweater Uggs Christmas Gift From Hubby(2013)

Today Breast Cancer Items is Bobbi Brown Pretty Pink Ribbon Lip Gloss Collection.

I'm linking up with Fran!

Monday, October 27, 2014

BBCA DAY 27: Artist

Raspberry Tart Boyfriend Cardigan From Old Navy~18.20
 Pink, Orange, Purple and Black Tie Back Shirt Hand Me Down From L
Black Tank Top From VS~16.50 or 2 for 24
 Black Gap Skinny Pants Christmas Gift From Oma or Parents(2010)
 Unisex Full Frame Plastic Glasses in Black C/O Firmoo
Black Beret From Wicky~3.99 Euro(5.48 Dollars)
Black Sweater Uggs Christmas Gift From Hubby(2013)

Happy Monday Everyone. I hope you all had a great weekend. My weekend was a low key one. Which was nice. My husband and me picked up a few thing for our Halloween costume this weekend.  I can't wait to see our finish project. I will share them when we our done with them.

Short for words today. Since Mondays are my busiest day of the week. With housework and running to the grocery store. 
Amy Fashion Blog
Don't forget to link your pink post up with my Co-Host~ Ada of Elegance Mommyhood and me.
    An InLinkz Link-up

Today Breast Cancer Items is Jamberry Nails


Thursday, October 23, 2014

BBCA DAY 23: Throw Back Thursday

 Breast Cancer Support Shirt From CR~10.00 (2009)
 White Rampage Cardigan From Macy's~I had this for years
Pink Cami From CR-4.19
   Flare-Leg Jeans~ C/O Kmart 21.99
 Pink Prada Glasses
Pink Beret From Wicky~3.99 Euro(5.48 Dollars)
Pink Circle Gem Earring From Claire's~6.95 Euro(9.42Dollars)
 Pink Ribbon Necklace From Jewelry by J'Meckhi Hubby got it for me at shop my Closet
 Pink Ugg Boots From DSW~44.96

Hello Everyone. So fall has hit in Germany. It has been super cold out. So no more running around in a short sleeve shirt outside. Now you must wear a jacket or coat. I try run to the store early with just this cardigan on. Which was a big mistake I wasn't warm with just the cardigan on. 
Don't forget to go check out my co-host  Ada of Elegance Mommyhood outfits as well. 

I know you all have seen these pictures on Tuesday. So that why I didn't make them bigger. If you want to see them bigger. Go here. Today I'm linking up with Happiness At Mid Life for throw back Thursday. So I decide to remix my Breast Cancer Support tee shirt and showcase the other four way I have worn it.  Along with link up to throw back Thursday. I'm  also linking up with Just Another Smith and  Priya's posts  for Graphic T-Shirt Week. 
The Necklace I'm Wearing Today. 

    An InLinkz Link-up

I want thank everyone for there link ups to BBCA. Tomorrow there will be a special post with all the blogger who have join in on BBCA. This is another tradition here on my blog. So stay turn to that.

Amy Fashion Blog

Only a few hours left to win a Whirl a Style. The winner get to pick there color and the size they want. 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Today Breast Cancer Items is Greater Good