Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Just a little Thank you

Hello Everyone. This is going to be a different post from my normal day post. If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter. Then you know that my grandparent and my mom. Were in a bad car accident Friday evening at 6pm Michigan time. My dad call me at 12 am my time to let me know what had happen. At the time he didn't know all the details. Due to he just got the phone call from my cousin. Letting him know what had happen. My cousin just told my dad an 18 wheeler truck had hit them. So that what my dad had told my husband. Which that's what my husband had told me.

Yesterday morning I call my dad up and he had told me all the info he knew. Find out it wasn't an 18 wheeler that hit them. It was an F150 truck and it hit them twice.  My grandma was in the back seat of the car and wasn't affected in any way. My grandpa was driving the car and he hurt his back. My mom on the other hand wasn't so lucky. She has a broken arm, knee, whiplash and a hurt back. On top of all of that her blood sugar drop to 30. 

So the hospital is keeping my mom in the hospital to keep an eye on her. On top of getting in to the car accident. My mom had surgery the day before to get some deposit removed from her stomach. To get check out to see if it cancer or not. Which we won't find out if it is until after the holidays.  If you have been reading my blog for sometime now. You know my mom has gone thru a lot. God has truly has been on our side. 

I'm not writing this post for people to feel sorry for me or anything. I'm writing it to get this off my chest. Since this week has been a hard one for me. Not only have I had the car accident and my mom surgery. I have had test done myself for thing. Which I'm happy to say everything came out fine. Which make me super happy and blessed.

I'm writing this post. TO THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR WONDERFUL SUPPORT YOU HAVE GIVING ME. I can't thank you enough and let you know how much it mean to me.  You guys are the ones that help lift my spirits some with you kind words and comment. 
Today Christmas Items is this picture of My mom and me from 2010.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

November Photo of the day on Instagram

 November 1st, 2014 Something Blue... Blue on the Halloween napkins
November 2nd, 2014 I saw this... Cowboys and cardinals game.
November 3rd, 2014  Weather- Rainy and slightly cold out.
November 4th, 2014 Can't live without- My family support
November 5th, 2014 8 o'clock- I was in the car with my husband.
November 6th, 2014  Something that made me smile today ... Old navy like my photo from yesterday
November 7th, 2014 On the floor ....All the mail that like to fall off my keyboard tray.
November 8th, 2014  A place.... Paris.. So can't wait to go back here in March.
November 9th, 2014 Heck Yes- We did it again. 3rd game in a row we killed it at the end. Way to go lions.
November 10th, 2014 I do this everyday... Brush my teeth
November 11th, 2014 A set- Silverware at Applebee's
November 12th, 2014 Normal~ MISSED THIS DAY
November 13th, 2014  Letters~ Hot Pie advertisement
November 14th, 2014 For me- Red lobster
November 15th, 2014 Hot and cold. At my home it is 48 out. Where I'm at is 75.
November 16th, 2014 After- My chicken paprikash bowl when I was done. Homemade made by my Oma
November 17th, 2014 Cooking- No cooking for me tonight but I will eat this chocolate covered strawberries.

November 18th, 2014 I love this... My family
November 19th, 2014 Whole ~ MISSED THIS DAY
November 20th, 2014 Bright~ MISSED THIS DAY
November 21st, 2014 Shoe- At the airport waiting to board my plane back home.
November 22nd, 2014 A favorite thing- Pink, painted nails and strawberries
November 23rd, 2014  I made this.... 42 Christmas cards. I still have more to do.
November 24th, 2014 I need to do this! ~ MISSED THIS DAY
November 25th, 2014 Time- Dinner time- Pineapple chicken and rice.
November 26th, 2014 Wall~ MISSED THIS DAY
November 27th, 2014 I'm thankful for this. My family and everyone who supports my blog.
November 28th, 2014 Black- My husband drinking glühwein at Wiesbaden sternschuppen (Christmas market)
November 29th, 2014  So this happen... My October ipsy finally came in the mail. Which makes me super happy. To get my first Ipsy bag.
November 30th, 2014  I brought this ..... To make some home make gifts

Hello Everyone. It time for another recap of my photo of the day on IG. This month I missed 4 days of photo of the day. Due to travels and the holidays.  November was sure a fun month for me. I got to visit family in Florida. Also got some items off my clothes wishlist. Had a great Thanksgiving with friends. Also finally got my first Ipsy bag. 

Today Christmas item. My purple Christmas tree. Along with my Army Santa, Gold angel that used to be my husband grandma tree top. Which we long but on our tree due to the light bulb is broken on it. Vase filled with ornaments. 


Thursday, November 27, 2014


My Husband, My Aunt M, Oma, Uncle J, Baby M( my cousin baby) and A
November 16, 2014
Day 7, 2014
 Polaroid sunglasses won from ElleSees blog 11-20-12
White Gem Earring From On Style 200 Czech Republic Koruny(9.78 Dollars)
White Slip on Shoe From New Yorker~ 4.95 Euro(6.67 Dollars)

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone. On the 16th of this month. Oma, my husband and me went over to my Aunt house for the day. Where my Oma made chicken paprikash. Which is my favorite food that she makes.
Oma Making chicken paprikash

chicken paprikash

Today I'm spending my Thanksgiving with my set of good friends. We are doing it potluck style. I made 3 dozen pumpkin cookie. Along with a pumpkin Cheesecake. I'm also doing the dinner rolls. I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving. If your celebrate it. 

My pumpkin bake goods. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


November 14, 2014
Day 5  Vacation in Florida  
Green Skirt From New Yorker 9.95 Euro(12.37 Dollar)
Necklace Gift From Hubby for 1st Wedding Anniversary
Earring made From my Tennis Bracelet Gift My Hubby
Diamond Studs Gift From My Hubby
 Polaroid sunglasses won from ElleSees blog 11-20-12
White Slip on Shoe From New Yorker~ 4.95 Euro(6.67 Dollars)
 Hello Everyone. On day 5 of my Florida trip. My husband and me had to take care of some business. After we got the stuff we need to get done. We went to the movie and saw big hero 6. It was a cute movie. I couldn't believe how much is cost to see a movie. It was 20 dollars a piece for are tickets but it was all good. Due to we don't go to the movie a lot. 
 After the movies. We went by the water again and got some outfit photo's. Which I have had this green skirt for over a year and this was the first time. I have worn it. I'm so happy I finally decide to wear it. Plus what a prefect place to wear it. After we took some photo's. We went and pick up Oma from work. That way we could go get dinner. 
As we were walking back to Oma's apartment. Her friend was waiting on her. My husband was having fun snapping photo's. He got a great shot of Oma and her friend together. After he got that photo. Oma and her friend told me to join in. So I squeezed between them. 

I never realized how many features my Oma and me have. She say its are German root. Also Oma friends in German to. They both love hearing about how much Germany has change since they have been here last. The last time my Oma was here was in 1997. We are trying to get her to come visit us one day over here. 

I do deClaire


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Going on a Blog Break

Hello Everyone. I left today to go on vacation.  I will be back in 10 days or so. 

Happy Birthday to my Lovely Sister Bethany.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Grey for My Mom's

 Black, Grey and White Striped Cardigan From The Recycling Center
Grey Shirt from VS-4.99
 Black Gap Skinny Pants Christmas Gift From Oma or Parents(2010)
Silver Necklace~16.99 C/0 Kmart
Small Hoop Earring From CR~4.00
Stud Earrings Gift From Nicole of NYC on my Mind
 Unisex Full Frame Plastic Glasses in Black C/O Firmoo
 Rhinestone and Black Skinny Belt Came with the Wallflower Double Bling Jeans
 Grey Beret From Wicky~3.99 Euro(5.48 Dollars)
Custom Grey Made Uggs From Burresi~219.00 Euro(296.91 Dollars)

Happy Friday Everyone. As many of you know I pick clothes up at the recycling center here and there. Well last month when I was there dropping off my paper items. I decide to go in to the inside of the recycling center building to see what they had. When I came across this stripe cardigan. Which it not my size at all. Its an x-large. I told myself I would make it work. So I brought it home with me. Washed it and put it in my closet for a day I want to be warm but comfortable too. Which that day is today. To give the sweater some shape. I just add this skinny belt with rhinestone on it.  

November is Diabetes Awareness Month. So I'm wearing this cardigan because it has grey in to honor the cause.  My mom, My MIL, Grandma and a few friend all have this.  In December 2007 I almost lost my mom to diabetes.  I will never forget this day. It was 3am in the morning and I got a call from my dad. Say you need to come home. The Dr's don't know if your mom going to make it. After  I hang the phone up. I called my mother in law up and told her what was going on. Mind you I was crying like blood Mary. That I woke my husband up.  That morning he went to work and they told him to go home. I didn't even brother trying to go in to work that day. When my husband got home from work. We hop on the computer and book our flight to go from Germany to Michigan. 

I had friends come and watch Priscilla(my dog) and stay at my house. Then the next morning we were off to Michigan. The first thing we did was go to the hospital. My mom end up being in a diabetes coma for 3 week. Also she had a stroke as well. I'm so happy that my mom made it out of this. I'm also happy that she has manger to get her sugar under control. 

Diabetes is not anything to mess around with. So please get your self check out for it.  A couple sign you might have it our.

~Increased urination, excessive thirst
~Weight loss~ This is how we find out my mom had it in 1995
~Skin Problems
Sock are From my Fall Swap with Tiffany of Endless Bliss. 
If you follow me on Instagram. You might have seen this picture with the #sockittodiabetes. If you want to help get the word out for diabetes. Post a picture of you sock on social media with #sockittodiabetes.  I posted this photo for my family and friends.

We Took the Road Less Traveled


Monday, November 3, 2014

Halloween Recap

Happy Monday Everyone. I hope you all had a great weekend. My weekend was a good one. On Saturday I went to my friend Halloween party. Which this year they had a theme party. The theme was viking. So I went as a viking towns lady. My husband went as a future viking Dr. For a costume this year we made some of it and then brought some things.  The dress I'm wearing is from a Halloween costume store. My husband crocheted my headband. Along with his hat and mustache. We brought some fur and lined them with silk. To wear as are cloaks.

My Husband and me
For food we did it pot luck style. I made a peanut butter roll. I got the recipe off of Sunny Days&Starry Nights. I also made my 7-layer Mexican Dip. My husband made 99 jelly shoots for the party. All the food was yummy. I ate and drank way to much. 
Peanut butter roll, My food plate, Halloween decoration and all the food.
A, M and Me
M and Me
Over all the party was a great one. I'm so happy how my costume turn out. It took my husband and me a few weeks to get everything just right. The best part about my costume is I can wear it again. If we ever go to a castle fest.

Happy Birthday to my MIL Peg.

Congrats to the Linda of A Labour of Life for winning the Weather to Wear App. 


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

10 Years

Hello Everyone. As you are reading this I'm on a train to Berlin. To celebrate my 10th wedding anniversary. I still can't believe 10 years ago. I married my best friend. A lot of people thought we were crazy for getting married on a Friday the 13th. That some people didn't want to come to the wedding because of the date it was but in the end everyone was them. I look back at these picture and they make me smile.

As you can see I change 3 times on my wedding day. I wore my dress to get married in. Then change after the wedding in to a t-shirt and short. For a pizza get together with family and friends. Yes you totally read that right. What can I say we were young and didn't want a big wedding or a big party. After the pizza get together I change again in to another t-shirt and jeans. For a lulu party.  All I can say it was an amazing day in my life that I will never forget. 

I have 4 lovely blogger filling in for me. While I'm away making new memories with my husband. 


Monday, July 7, 2014

4th of July Outfit

Red,White, Blue and Star Barrettes From Target~1.00
 White Circle Earring From The PX
 Diamond Studs Gift From Hubby(2007)
 A Dog Tag Necklace Won From April M Jewelry Cutest Dog Contest
 Polaroid sunglasses won from ElleSees blog 11-20-12
American Flag Shoe From New Yorker 7.95 Euro(10.81 Dollars)

 Hello Everyone. I hope your all had a great weekend. My weekend was a so so weekend. Meaning there was good time and bad time. One of the bad thing was. My dad told me the family dog. Named Casey isn't doing well. She is almost 14 years old. So I'm hoping she will bounce out of this. It just broke my heart to get this news.   

For the good part of the weekend. I got to wear my new shoe. Which mean my shoe ban was broken. Ended up going 122 days without buying new shoe.  On Thursday my hubby and me both had a dentist appointment to go to. Which where downtown. After we ate lunch. We had some time to kill. So I got the idea to walk around New Yorker. That when I run in to these shoe. I was like OMG these shoe are so much fun and prefect for the 4th of July. My husband was like what are you going to wear them with. I told him jeans. So I brought. them They are super comfortable. So I see myself  get a good amount of use out of them. 

Another good thing this weekend. Was we went to the German/American Fest. Which was a lot of fun. We didn't stay to long due to it started to rain.  So no firework show for us. 

Celebrating the Fourth

I link up with Best.Day.Ever for 4th of July link up. 


Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day

Top Row: My Dad: Bottom Row: My FIL(Father in Law)

Happy Father's Day to all the father out there. I hope you all have a great day with your dad.


Monday, May 26, 2014

Pink, Black and Orange Weekend

Light Pink Cami From Forever 21-2.50
Wallflower Curvy Bootcut Jean From the PX~25.47
Black Circle Earring From The PX
Black Bead Necklace From The PX
 Black Butterfly Hair Clip Not Sure Where It Came From
Gotta Flurt Shoe Gift From Hubby for my Birthday~ 13.00 from DSW

Hello Everyone. First sorry these picture aren't the greatest. They were taken when I was in a rush to get out of the door on Saturday. To go to help my friend set up for her daughter birthday. Which she had a mind craft theme party it was super cute. My friend went way out for it. Each kid got a goodie bag to take home with them. At the party they each got a wooded box. To make in in to a jewelry box. They got a bag of gem to decorated it. Which I help some of the smaller kids with adding the jewels to there box. It was tons of fun. 
In the brown bag was the wooded box.
As for my outfit goes. I want to be comfortable but fun at the sometime. So I decide to wear this colorful shirt that my friend L handed down to me. I miss getting hand me down from her. She had the best item that she didn't want. This is the third time I have wore this shirt. Which the first time I wore it a button fall off of it. So on Saturday I decide to cut the button off of the shirt all together. Since I didn't see myself using them. 

My husband when he was deployed in 2005
On this Memorial Day remember the brave men and women who are serving this country. The past and present one. Plus are vets. Happy Memorial Day Everyone. 


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

Top is my mom: Bottom is my MIL(mother in law) Peggy

Happy Mother's Day to all the mother's at there. I hope you all have a great one. 


Friday, May 9, 2014

Take Two

 Pearl Necklace From the PX
Pearl Earring From CR~4.00-40% Employee Discount 
Silver Glitter Headband From a Store in Germany
Silver Sperry From the PX~17.97
Happy Friday Everyone. I hope you all have been having a great week. Mine has been a crazy and semi-stressful one. It all started out on Monday when I went to the hospital to meet with the Dr. That would be doing my husband MRI on his shoulder on Tuesday.  When we meet with the Dr. She explained to us what was going to happen. Since there were sticking a needle of dye in to his shoulder. After she told us what was going to happen and we asked her the question we had. She told us we need to bring some blood work results in. 
 Which we thought we had but we didn't. So we called the family Dr. up and they told us to come in. So we walked to the Dr.s office. Since we don't live far from it plus we try not to drive are car a lot. Once we got to the family Dr. We walked up the 6 flight of stair and got the paperwork. My husband look at it and said we were good to go. I made him look at it again. Which I'm glad I did because we were missing two blood test. So we went back in to the family Dr's office and they were able to do the two test. 

Which we had to come back on Tuesday to get the result. That was the day of the MRI. So it work out good. My husband got the MRI on his shoulder done. Now we are just have to wait until Monday to hear whats wrong and what will happen. 

On top of my husband MRI. I find out my sister is in the hospital. Also on top of the my mom sugar drop low when she was out to eat at a restaurant. Which caused her to fall and brake her arm. 

So for today outfit I just want a simple outfit to wear as I do errands. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Gold Lace/ Happy Birthday Dad

Gold Ribbon Came off a Christmas Gift
Earring From CR~4.00- 40% Off Employee Discount
Brown Boots From DSW~ 41.97

Hello Everyone, Its a cold rainy and fog day here. They say this whole week is going to be that way.  I'm glad I got me some rain boot. So don't be surprise if you see them a lot this week on the blog. I can't complain about the weather because last week we were in the 50's. When most of the United States was in the negative degrees. 

Today outfit didn't turn out how I plan. It just happen. I original was going to wear a brown vest I got in February and haven't worn yet. When I put the vest on with this gold sweater I didn't like it. So I went in the closet and grab my lace vest. Which I like way better with this sweater.  Plus it has been 11 months since I worn it last. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Hello Everyone. Since Thanksgiving is tomorrow I decide I would share my What I'm Thankful for.
  1. My Loving Family
  2. All my Readers~ Thank so much for take the time out of your busy life to come and read/comment on my blog. It means a lot to me. Also for all your wonderful Support
  3. Food and Water~ with out it we wouldn't be alive
  4. Clothes~ They keep us warmth and makes us look good
  5. My Friends Real and Online.~ You guys give my the support when I need it and you know how to make me smile.
  6. My Winter Coat~ To keep me warm.
  7. My health~ I have been very lucky to have good health life so far.
  8. A roof over my head
  9. My hubby job
  10. All the support I get on my blog for everyone.